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มีเงินเก็บ 1 ล้าน‼️ จะลงทุนอสังหาได้ไหม⁉️
Business Journalist Club In the project to strengthen business development in collaboration with the ASEAN-Thailand Network Council In the project to promote development and raise quality standards to excellent standards in ASEAN Organized the biggest awards ceremony of the year, up to 2 awards, to be given to businessmen, executives, and owners of various product brands. successful To conduct business under quality and standards that are accepted internationally. With the outstanding business award of the year TOP BUSINESS AWARDS 2023 and the award for executives and developers, outstanding quality standards, 8th time for the year 2023 CEO AEC AWARDS 2023 on 21 Oct. and business executives who have been selected to receive the 2 awards are Ms. Patima Jirathamrongchat, CEO Century21 Design Corner Co.,LTD.
Villa Colada ✨พูลวิลล่าสุด Chic แห่งใหม่ ในพัทยา ฝั่งทะเล
Thai social network organizes a big ceremony to honor people and organizations that have been successful in operating a sustainable business. under morality good ethics Including always helping society very well with the 2024 Golden Scale Award "Thammar" in the National Morality Project. Went on 26 May with Major General M.R. Waiwat Chakrabandhu honoring as chairman. At the award ceremony at the Public Relations Department Club, Soi Aree. and one of the individuals, organizations, and businessmen who passed the selection criteria and considered by a committee of experts To receive the said award in the category of Outstanding Social Contributions is Ms. Patima Jirathamrongchat, CEO Century21 Design Corner Co.,ltd.